John Scott Lumsden

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Abertay University Archives
Institution Identifier
ISAAR (CPF) 2nd Edition
Rules and Conventions Used
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Identity Area

Authorized Form of Name
John Scott Lumsden
Type of Entity



John Lumsden was born in 1866 in Dundee. He was educated at West End Academy and studied at St Andrews and Munich Universities. He graduated both as a Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Science. He became an assistant in the chemistry department of University College, Dundee. He published many papers focused on organic and physical chemistry. He also conducted research for the Government during the First World War on explosives. Dr. Lumsden was a justice of the peace, a former member of the Licensing Appeal Court of Dundee Town Council, and director of the Curr Night Refuge and Working Boys’ Home.


Dundee- birth, education, employment at University College, employment at Dundee Technical Institute, employment at Dundee Technical College and School of Art and death: 1902- 1950
St Andrews- education
Munich- education

Functions Occupations and Activities

Director of Studies and Secretary of Dundee Technical Institute: 1902- 1909
Principal of the Dundee Technical Institute: 1909- 1911
Principal of the Dundee Technical College and School of Art: 1911- 1929

Dates of Existence

Relationships Area

Related Entities
  • Dundee Technical Institute

    Category of relationship: associative

    Dates of relationship: 1866-1950

    Description of relationship:

    Director of Studies and Secretary from 1902- 1909, Principal from 1909- 1911.

Maintaining Institution

Access Points

Description Control

Authority Record Identifier
Institution Identifier
Abertay University Archives
Rules and Conventions Used
ISAAR (CPF) 2nd Edition
Dates of Creation Revision and Deletion
Dundee Courier- Thursday 13th July 1950- (consulted 30 August 2022)