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"You Can Do It At DIT" Radio Show Reel 2

“Features the work of Molecular Life Sciences, plus the quiz and news from around the Campus”.
Highlights cryopreservation work in the Department and Freshers Week events.

0.00 Start
0.50 Jeff Ferguson talks to Department of Medical Life Sciences about Cryopreservation and the wider subject of Biotechnology. Dr David Button, Dr Graeme Wishart, and Kevin Gartland, all from the department, are interviewed about the subjects.
09.05 Dr David Button is interviewed about the qualifications needed for entry onto Biotechnology courses, and the job prospects for students successfully completing a diploma or degree.
11.40 Quiz – Chemistry and Biology students Chris Ruff, Paul Hartley, Michael Kilpatrick, and Jamie Balderson. Questions on their specialist subject and general knowledge.
17.05 News round-up with Brian Lindsay. Freshers Week events just finished – Blastaway Night, Blind Date Night (compered by comedian Ed Byrne), and River Detectives gig (which was recorded for use in their up-coming live album). Future events include the Rock Music Society disco, Dance Music Society disco, and “Party Night”. Sports activities: Football team has already started its participation in the Midland Amateur League (W3 L2 so far); the Amateur League is starting this week. Trials for the Rugby Team (which this season includes Scotland Internationalist Andy Nicoll) are taking place at Caird Park. Hockey Club inaugural party “Bunnies Night” followed by fun game at Austin Park have taken place and a more serious game will be happening next week at Maryfield Astroturf; Basketball is starting at the Lynch Centre; Women’s only gym, and a self defence class (led by Grant Clark) are starting at the Marketgait Building; Grant Clark is a black belt in karate and he also runs karate classes.
19.50 End

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"You Can Do It At DIT" Radio Show Reel 7

“Features an interview with Dr Karen Sullivan about her research into DNA molecules”
Highlight on Department of Molecular Life Sciences research on DNA fingerprinting and possible application in forensic police work and detecting wildlife crime, Student Association work towards NUS “Student Fest” campaign against government changes to student associations, and Graduation Day.

0.00 Start
0.45 Jimmy Black interviews Dr Karen Sullivan in the Department of Molecular Life Sciences about research on DNA fingerprinting. Discussion on forensic police uses of DNA finger printing for suspect elimination, and her current work using DNA finger-printing to research the effect of environmental stress on the DNA in cells. For the first time finger-printing allows entire strands of DNA to be scanned in order to locate areas undergoing change in response to stress. This can be applied to various different areas, such as crop research (e.g. to help increase resistance to disease or dry environment and pests) to help identify unstable DNA regions to try and understand them in an effort to help fix them. The technique could even be used to combat poaching – analysing the meat of elephant carcasses to see if they were sourced from regions where it was illegal to cull them or not.
9.30 Quiz: Electronic and Electrical Engineering students Ahmar Ghaffoor, Doug Watson, Donald Laing, Jason Moonie. Questions on their specialist subject and general knowledge.
15.20 Brian Lindsay’s News Round-up. He speaks to NUS Scotland Vice President Douglas Traynor about the NUS campaign against changes in student’s unions, “Student Fest” – a day of events and entertainments advertising what’s student life has to offer from the student associations points of view. An anti racism campaign is being launched across the country too. The events and activities of “Student Fest” are all things that the proposed government changes would prevent, such as debates, charities, anti-racism work, clubs and societies, social events etc even the opportunity for the national student voice to be heard, since the changes would only fund welfare, catering, internal representation and sports.
17.27 Highlight on Graduation Day, with degrees being conferred by Principal Bernard King, including three Hon Fellowships to DIT Alumnis - George Simpson, Chief Executive of Rover Cars and Vice Chair of British Aerospace; Alastair McCallum, Chief Executive at Don and Low Holdings; Roderick Rennit, Director of Water Services for Tayside.
18.05 DIT Football Team doing better in the League. 3rd equal in the league after another victory against Birkhead (1-0, with Terry Thomas scoring a penalty against them). Next week they play Fintry Thistle. Hockey Team had their first game of the season, winning 2-1 against Napier in the Inter-University League (scorers – Paul Lyall and Robin Campbell).
19.09 End

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"You Can Do It At DIT" Radio Show Reel 1

Features interview with Principal Bernard King, highlight on Mechanical Engineering and the Continuous Passive Motion Machine for hand injury therapy, student quiz and weekly News Roundup.

0.00 Start
1.30 Interview with Principal Bernard King giving an overview of the background and work of DIT
5.00 Mechanical Engineering project on the Continuous Passive Motion Machine for hand therapy. Interview with patient Duncan McKenzie, and machine creator, David Caeras (?)
8.40 Interview with Prof John Milne on Research & Development projects at the Mechanical Engineering Department, and the prospects for graduates
11.30 Quiz – Computing Science Students Stewart King, David Graham, Graeme Melville, and Denise Cooper. Questions on their specialist subject and general knowledge.
17.20 News Round-up with Brian Lindsay. Focus on Freshers Fortnight at the Marketgait Students Union – events include Scottish country dancing, 60s &70s Disco, Bouncy Boxing Night, River Detectives gig, and “Blastaway” Night.
19.30 - End

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"You Can Do It At DIT" Radio Show Reel 3

“Jeff Ferguson, Jimmy Black, and Brian Lindsay with their weekly magazine all about Dundee Institute of Technology”
Highlights an innovative undergraduate accountancy honours project about financing problems in the British film industry, news of attacks on students in Dundee, and the end of Freshers Week.
0.00 Start
0.45 Jimmy Black interviews Accountancy student Michael Christie, and his supervisor in the Department of Accountancy Robert Jelly, about his Honours Project about financing problems in the British film industry in the early 1990s. As part of this project he spoke to leading figures involved in financing the British film industry (investors, producers etc), inc. Chris Butterfield about their views on this topic.
7.45 Jimmy Black interviews Robert Jelly about the degree and diploma courses in Accountancy, Economics, Law, Travel and Tourism Development. He also speaks about job and salary prospects for Accountancy graduates.
10.56 Quiz: Mechanical Engineering students Reg Wilson, Philip Strachan, Jo Philips, Mike McFarlane. Questions on their specialist subject and general knowledge.
17.15 News Round-up with Brian Lindsay: Report of latest attack on a Dundee student in South Tay Street on Sunday. The student was robbed of cash and credit cards. Reminder to stay safe and stay in groups when out at night. Student Union Dance Music Night promoted, the annual church service the following Sunday evening, opportunity to donate blood, new James Thin bookshop opened in the DIT building until October 29th.
19.31 End

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"You Can Do It At DIT" Radio Show Reel 4

Highlight on government plans to change the funding structure and conditions of student associations, work of electrical engineering department on speech verification in credit card machines and energy efficiency planning, plus news of expanding student leasing scheme for local authority flats.
0.00 Start
0.55 Brian Lindsay interviews Student President Rachel Thomas about Government plans to change the way that Student Associations are funded in order to ensure money is not misspent on inappropriate party political style campaigning. Activities were to be split into two areas - “core” (funded) and “non-core” (not funded). Core was defined as catering, welfare, internal representation, sports. Argument was that DIT societies were built around educational activities that are good for students to engage in (e.g. science society, quantity surveying societies) and that need funded (e.g. to bring in external speakers). In addition, the proposal to bar students from engaging in political activity. Students associations were impartial in regard to party politics, but there were other political issues that affected students and that they spoke out on (e.g. the student campaign for university status for DIT). The proposed changes would have prevented students from speaking out on these wider issues that affected them and that they had a right involve themselves in. She comments on the importance of the Students Association, run by students for students, that they take responsibility for and that contributes to their rounded education.
3.55 Jeff Ferguson interviews Andy Sepaluk from the Electronic and Electrical Engineering Department about speech verification in credit card machines in order to prevent cash / credit card fraud.
6.35 Jeff Ferguson interviews Dr Suhale Ozveron from the Electronic and Electrical Engineering Department about his project to improve electrical power system planning to make the power generation process more efficient, and make it more environmentally friendly.
9.10 Jeff Ferguson interviews Dr Peter Martin in the Electronic and Electrical Engineering Department about the career and further education opportunities for graduates from its courses.
12.45 Quiz: Honours students from the Department of Accountancy Mabel Cheung, Julie Hughes, John Potts, John Keogh. Questions on their specialist subject and general knowledge.
17.35 Brian Lindsay’s News Round-up. Announcement on the scrapping of Saturday night opening of the Marketgait Students Union due to poor take-up of the Saturday disco. Announcement of the Students Association Hardship Fund, administered by Student Services, providing emergency loans to students. Expansion of Scheme to lease local authority flats to students – before the expansion there were 9 flats on Kingsway East and Butterburn Court available to students, and it was hoped to lease more if there was sufficient demand. DIT Football Team was near the bottom of the Midland League Division 2 after being defeated 3-0 by Arbroath High School and they only had 3 points from their first 4 games, caused by injury problems and difficulties raising a team at the beginning of term that led to a game having to be conceded due to insufficient numbers.
19.41 End

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"You Can Do It At DIT" Radio Show Reel 5

Highlight on Department of Business Studies, inc Behavioural Studies research on polling and marketing techniques in pain measurement, Business School course in retail management, and research on “cut price shopping”. Also news of student “Reclaim the Night” march and vigil for the Women’s Safety campaign for Zero Tolerance for violence against women.
0.00 Start
0.45 Jimmy Black interviews Behavioural Psychologist Mike Swanston in the Dept of Business Studies about pain, and the use of animated pictures in multiple choice questionnaires to help measure pain. Also being developed for opinion polls and marketing.
06.25 Jimmy Black interviews John Fearney at the Dundee Business School in Dudhope Castle about the new course being developed in Retail Studies, and research on trends in “cut-price shopping”.
09.45 Jimmy Black speaks to Stewart Howe about courses and career opportunities for graduates from the Department of Business Studies.
11.50 Quiz: Dept of Mathematics and Computer Sciences – Gary Reynolds, Neil McEwan, Roy Middleton, Alan Clark. Questions on their specialist subject and general knowledge.
17.10 Brian Lindsay – News Roundup, intimation of “Reclaim the Night” march and vigil for Women’s Safety Campaign tying in with the new Zero Tolerance poster campaign raising awareness of women’s safety and men’s awareness of women’s fears. Upcoming inaugural meeting of the Anti-Racism society with a cheese and wine night at the Marketgait building. Notes the society is meeting against a backdrop of increased racial intolerance and British National Party activity across the country. Upcoming Halloween party in the Marketgait with associated party games. Mixed Hockey Team and Rugby Team are in training preparing for their first games in the Inter University League (to which the Hockey Team has just been admitted). DIT Football Team won their last match 3-1 against Birkhead on Saturday. Scorers were Terry Thomas, Willy Patrick, and Scott Symon. They now have 5 points from 5 games.
19.37 End

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"You Can Do It At DIT" Radio Show Reel 9

Highlight on forging international links – establishment of MBA programmes overseas, joint overseas research programme in studying dry rot, franchising courses overseas, overseas studying opportunities and facilitating international students studies at DIT. DIT rugby player Andy Nicoll won an international cap playing for Scotland against the All Blacks.

0.00 Start
0.40 Brian Lindsay speaks to Graham Martin in the Dundee Business School about DIT’s international links being forged through the School through the establishment of MBA programmes in Hong Kong, Malaysia, Europe (Cyprus, Greece). Dr John Palfreyman in School of Life Sciences speaks about his research programme with Danish and English partners studying dry rot, and the benefits of developing international links for both research and benefits for students. Tony Dinning speaks about his experiences in Perugia in Italy. Graham Martin explains the process of franchising courses abroad, particularly the experience supporting colleagues in Kazakhstan with this. Alex Buchner a postgraduate student from Heidelberg in Germany speaks about his experiences studying Software Engineering at DIT. Grahame Martin expresses the view that the international links demonstrate DIT’s credibility as a higher education institution.
9.00 Quiz – students from Civil Engineering and Quantity Surveying. Neil Stewart, Cameron Findlay, Arthur Bell, Ian Beet. Questions on their specialist subject and general knowledge.
14.50 Brian Lindsay’s news roundup. DIT Student Association President commented negatively on proposals in the Education Bill to reform student unions outlined in Queen’s Speech for the upcoming parliamentary session. DIT Anti-Racism Society running a bus to Saturday’s anti-racism demonstration in Glasgow. DIT Football team’s match against the Dundee College of Further Education postponed to next Saturday due to bad weather; DIT Rugby Club holding a cheese and wine night on Monday. Andy Nicoll was picked for the Scotland Rugby Team on Saturday and gained an international cap playing against the All Blacks (New Zealand). Scotland was beaten 51-15.
17.22 End

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"You Can Do It At DIT" Radio Show Reel 11

Highlight of work of Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences in applied mathematics and use of modelling to predict when equipment will need to be replaced in advance of failure, plus the use of statistics in everyday life. News of Students Association EGM in response to announcement of cuts in student maintenance, and community outreach to local Dundee secondary schools.

0.00 Start
0.40 Jimmy Black speaks to Professor Ian Colligan of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences about the skills and employment opportunities gained by Mathematics graduates from the department. He speaks about the teaching approach in the department being an Applied Mathematics approach – one of problem solving and mathematical modelling, and how it is applied to all sorts of real-life situations e.g. Treasury modelling.
5.55 Jimmy Black speaks to John Darpener in the Operational Research Section of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences about the modelling being used in replacement strategies being researched by him and his colleagues for replacing equipment in advance of failure (e.g. engine / machinery parts) and also ensuring they are not replaced too soon.
8.30 Statistician Gilbert Rutherford’s area of expertise is probabilities. He explains why at least 2 people in a room of 23 people or more will share the same birthday, and why statistics affect everyone’s life, especially in the areas of retail and marketing.
11.55 Quiz– students from the Business Studies Department: Alastair Duncan, Lauren Pealie, Ruth MacBurney, and Grant Mackay. Questions on their specialist subject and general knowledge.
18.00 Brian Lindsay’s News Round-up. Emergency meeting of the Students Representative Council to discuss the implications of the government budget proposals to cut student grants by 10%. The grant would be cut from £2200 to £1975. After the meeting, DIT Students Association President Rachel Thomas said the student dropout rate in Scotland had increased by 188% since the introduction of the student loan scheme, and that this further attack on the student maintenance grant would push more students into debt and would undoubtedly force many more to withdraw from their courses. A demonstration march against the proposals will be held on Wednesday in Glasgow, supported by the DIT Students Association, which will provide transport for anyone wishing to attend.
18.55 Community outreach: pupils from Grove Academy and St Johns Academy visited for practical sessions on Applied Physics, and Professor John Milne is delivering a lecture on Mechatronics to 200 school pupils from throughout Tayside. DIT’s Euro students will be meeting the Dundee Lord Provost at the Dundee Chamber of Commerce.
19.20 End of term is approaching, and the final blowout at the students’ union on the Marketgait is the “Snowball Night”, with usual drinks promotions and entertainments.
19.30 Sports – DIT football team won 4-2 away to Grove with Fitzpatrick scoring a hat-trick and Terry Thomas scoring the 4th goal. The team now has 11 points from 10 games, putting them near the top of the table. The Hockey Team won 3-0 against Robert Gordon University.
20.42 End

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"You Can Do It At DIT" Radio Show Reel 10

“Work of the Centre for Waste Water Management (“what happens when you pull the plug”); Brian Lindsay interviews the European editor of the anti-fascist magazine, Searchlight; students from civil engineering contest the quiz”

Highlight on the work of the Wastewater Technology Centre developing new initiatives for wastewater management, and its consultancy work with national and international clients, plus interview with Graham Atkinson, European Editor of Anti-fascist magazine, Searchlight.

0.00 Start
0.45 Jeff Ferguson speaks to Richard Ashley, Co-ordinator and Research Director of the Wastewater Technology Centre, a semi-independent centre within the Department of Civil Engineering, Surveying, and Building. Its objective is to act as a centre for excellence in Scotland for the water industry and to develop new initiatives for wastewater management. One area of expertise is in computer-modelling and monitoring of underground drainage and storage systems. He speaks about the effect of European law on requirements to treat wastewater and sludge before being discharged back out to the North Sea, national proposals to create water boards after Council reform taking effect in 1996, and public health issues related to mixing domestic wastewater and storm water in cities.
08.30 Richard Ashley speaks about the services of the Centre to their large list of clients – a research base undertaking work out of the ordinary for normal consultants, disseminators of information through its substantial international working activities on research groups and consultancies in European countries. The consultancy element might bring new overseas opportunities for extending their work if the Scottish water industry is privatised. Other groups in the country deal with specific areas of wastewater management (e.g. industrial effluent), but the Wastewater Technology Centre at DIT is the only one that has a holistic approach to the whole discipline.
10.20 Quiz– students from Civil Engineering: Scott, Graeme, Joanne, and Phil (no surnames given). Questions on their specialist subject and general knowledge.
16.25 Brian Lindsay’s News Round-up. Brian interviews Graham Atkinson, European Editor of Searchlight (a magazine specialising in research and documentation of the activities of organised racist, anti-semitic, and fascist organisations). Graham was speaking at a meeting of the Anti-Racisim Society where he spoke about the alarming rise of violent fascist activity in Germany.
18.00 The Students Union distributed free condoms at the last disco for World AIDS day, in order to raise awareness of safe sex, HIV infection, and AIDS. No sports news due to bad weather last weekend postponing fixtures such as the big cup match between DIT and Dundee College.
18.58 End

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